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Jay Cost

Jay Cost
HS Social Studies
Phone: 724-368-8787

Current Position: High School Social Studies

Past Positions: Previously, I have taught college at the University of Chicago and Robert Morris University.  I was a senior writer at the Weekly Standard from 2010-2017.

Hobbies or Secondary Positions: I am the Gerald R. Ford Visiting Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and a visiting scholar at the Institute for Faith and Freedom at Grove City College.  I have written three books, and am currently finishing a biography of James Madison, to be published by Basic Books in the fall of 2021.

Something to share with parents considering Christian Education:  Christians cannot take for granted that our children will learn the Scriptures.  The culture of our country has moved decisively away from us, and we have to be extra vigilant to make sure that our children will learn and cherish God's Word. This is why I send my own children to PCS.

Something you believe makes PCS special: The Gospel comes first.

What makes PCS different from public school: The public schools take every opportunity to mask the truth of the Gospel and disregard Christian values.  At PCS, we do the opposite.

What makes PCS different from other Christian schools: We have a strong emphasis on college preparation, which we are continuing to build.  High school students can currently take at least eight courses that count for college credit, and we are looking to add more in the future.